Institute of Planetary Science

Student Opportunities

in Planetary Science

Students interested in planetary science can participate at a variety of levels.

Undergraduate students

1. Come to PJC! (Planetary Journal Club) or to departmental colloquia (see links above).

2. Thesis projects. IPS facultly can supervisor a thesis research project for you. Browse the faculty web pages and contact us!

3. Summer Research and/or Co-op placements. The NSERC undergraduate summer research assistantships (USRA) are the main source of summer research fundings; see IPS faculty members in January of each year. Other summer research options may be available.

4. Volunteer research. IPS faculty may have research projects suitable for volunteer work if you wish to get involved.


As of fall 2006, the following courses are at UBC have explicit planetary science content suitable for students interested is pursuing work in the topic:

ASTR 101 : Introduction to the Solar System
EOSC 355/356: The Planets
EOSC 450 : Potential Fields in Earth and Planetary Sciences
ASTR 407/507 : Planetary Sciences
ASTR 502 : Astronomical Dynamics

Graduate students

If you want to come to UBC (or are already here) in order to pursue graduate research in planetary science, you can enroll in M.Sc. or Ph.D. programs in Astronomy, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Mathematics, or Physics in the EOSC, PHAS, or MATH departments of UBC.
It is also possible to enroll in the UBC Multidisciplinary graduate degree, which is not directly linked to any department (although you should certainly arrange this in advance with one or more supervisors).
See the department web pages for the program that most closely corresponds to your background or interests (those two may not be the same!).

© 2005 IPS•UBC
Institute of Planetary Science
University of British Columbia